Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Vacuum advice!!!

Ok... My vacuum is dying. My vacuum is trying hard to keep up with our daily vacuuming needs, even though it gives a good effort, it sounds like the motor is going to explode into flames any second. Brad took it apart and it is the motor. I am trying to figure out what to do with it. Should I take it to a repair shop? Should I scrap it and get a new one? If I do get a new one, which one should I get? There are a few things I need in a vacuum. 1. Great suction. I have 2 dogs! 2. It needs to be good for stairs. 3. It needs to have good tools for baseboards and corners. and 4. I would like it to be somewhat quiet. I get migraines and if I have to vacuum every day with a crazy loud vacuum....I just want to pull my head off! Ok.... So give me your advice! Do you have any good ideas?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tara & Sierra

Tara is 4 years old. I adopted her 3 weeks bofore Brad and I got married in October 2006. Tara loves to be the boss. She is VERY sweet and always wants to be a lap dog. Her only annoying quality is that she barks constantly when people come over. We finally had to resort to getting a training collar (shock collar). She isn't mean, she just likes to talk to everyone.
Sierra was adopted by us a year after we got Tara. She is 2 this year. We wanted a dog for Kaylee. Tara quickly became Nick's dog after we adopted her. We wanted to get a dog that would be sensitive to Kaylee's seizures and be her companion. Sierra does a great job with Kaylee. This is Sierra's favorite spot during the day when the kids are at school. The second Nick gets out of bed, Sierra takes his bed over. She likes to look out the window from his bed while she waits for the kids to get back.
Aren't they SO cute!!! We totally lucked out in adopting such sweet lovey dogs!!!

Nick and Kaylee

These pictures were taken on Easter of 2008. They were decorating an Easter gingerbread house. They had a ton of fun! Nich helped Kaylee with the icing and candy. I am lucky they like to do projects together. Brad and I are BIG into making new and FUN holiday traditions.

Friday, June 13, 2008