Wednesday, February 24, 2010
New Business!!!!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I took this picture a while ago, it was a friday night that we were spending at home watching movies. Well, I was watching the movie, everyone else fell asleep!
I love my family. It is nice that in this world today they WANT to spend a friday night at home watching movies as a family. I know it won't happen for long. Nick is going to be 15 in September. I have only known him for 3 years, since Brad and I started dating, but it is amazing how 3 years can change a kid! Nick is a smart, kind boy who is growing SO fast! He is taller than his dad and claims that he gets his height from my side of the family! ha ha ha I just can't believe that in a few years he will be going on a mission! Nick is healing well from the accident he and Brad were in. I will try and post a picture of his face soon. The surgeon says his scars should be minimal after some plastic surgery. He never complained while he was in the ICU or even after and even with his jaw wired shut for 6 weeks, and had to finish the school year out at home. He finished with a 4.0.
Kaylee got her new backpack for school last week. We had to take it away and put it in our room because no matter what we would tell her, she thought she was going to school the next day and would want to get ready. She is so sweet. Kaylee will have the same teacher she had last year, which will be wonderful! Mr. Rice is the best special education teacher we have ever met. He has such a love for the kids and is sooooooo patient with the kids. Kaylee has done more in one year (last year) than in all the other years in a regular class. She will also be taking the bus this year. She is SUPER excited for that!
The family I worked for as a nanny for 4 years moved 3 weeks ago. Keith got a position as the head of research for the University of Richmond, VA. He moved back there in March but Ann's contract as a doctor here in Utah didn't end till June. Keith came back every month to spend time with the family and help them move when time came. It was sad to see them go. Kaylee became good friends with their 5 year old Kaitlyn.